Restaurant Tuition Assistance: Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Tuition Assistance Programs can be an excellent solution for restaurant owners looking to build a robust and reliable team of college students or graduates. College students and graduates bring energy, enthusiasm, and higher skill levels to your business.  Attracting and retaining them, however, requires a thought approach.

From the college student and graduate perspective, student loan debt now exceeds credit card debt in America. The average mortgage debt is over seven times less than student loan debt in the United States. This disparity has created an opportunity for restaurant business owners; job-seekers are now seeking positions to offset their educational expenses.

Setting up a Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) can significantly benefit businesses. When we say “Tuition Assistance Program,” we’re including scholarship, tuition assistance, student loan reimbursement, and university affiliation programs (we’ll get into more detail on each of these below).

Restaurant Tuition Assistance Programs help to attract and retain top talent, improve employee skills, and enhance job satisfaction. This is because TAPs  have a multi-faceted impact on professional development and overall well-being. TAPs are an investment in your employees. Talent seeking employment will see that your company makes this investment and recognize it as support for personal and professional growth. This elevates your business model against other businesses. Consider the following:

Restaurant Tuition Assistance: Attracting and Retaining Top Jobs

5 Ways Restaurant Tuition Assistance Programs Positively Impact Businesses

Tuition Assistance Programs (TAPs) positively impact your restaurant business in several key ways:

  1. Attracting & Retaining Talent: Offering a TAP makes a business more attractive to potential employees, particularly those looking for opportunities to further their education and career development. TAPs increase employee loyalty and reduce turnover rates. Employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their future, which helps save on recruitment and training costs associated with high turnover.
  2. Skill Enhancement: Employees who take advantage of TAPs gain new skills and knowledge that they can apply to their current roles. This leads to a more skilled and capable workforce, improving overall productivity and performance.
  3. Increased Job Satisfaction: Providing educational support shows employees that the company values their personal and professional growth. This boosts morale and job satisfaction, leading to a more motivated and engaged workforce.
  4. Leadership Development: TAPs can be used to prepare employees for leadership roles within the company. By investing in employees’ education, businesses can groom internal candidates for promotions, ensuring a smooth and efficient succession planning process.
  5. Workforce Alignment: TAPs help align employee goals with the company’s strategic objectives. Employees who feel their educational pursuits are supported are more likely to work towards common goals, fostering a more cohesive and unified team.

There are several other benefits as well, including enhanced innovation and creativity and enhanced internal and external employee value proposition. It’s also worth noting that in some regions, offering educational assistance programs can provide tax benefits and compliance advantages. Companies can leverage these programs to optimize their financial and operational strategies.

Overall, a restaurant tuition assistance program is a strategic investment that can lead to significant returns for your business by enhancing your workforce’s capabilities, loyalty, and overall performance.

Types of Restaurant Tuition Assistance Programming

If you do decide to set up a restaurant tuition assistance program, you will be in good company. Several restaurant businesses already have TAPs in place. The leaders for restaurant tuition assistance tend to focus on four opportunities for employees:

  • Scholarships provide direct financial awards for education that don’t need repayment.
  • Tuition Assistance covers current tuition costs for employees enrolled in approved programs, either paid upfront or reimbursed.
  • Student Loan Reimbursement helps employees pay off existing student loans.
  • University Affiliation offers special benefits through partnerships with specific educational institutions, such as discounts or easier admission processes.

Generally speaking, each has prerequisites including an employment period and application process. In addition, restaurants offer these options in various combinations or individually. For example, eligible employees at Chick-fil-A can receive a tuition discount up to 30% at over 100 partner colleges. Alternatively, employees can apply for a Leadership Scholarship worth $2500 that is renewable up to four years. Finally, Chick-fil-A offers a one-time $25,000 scholarship to select employees.

Consider these top restaurant businesses. Each offers a different combination of tuition assistance programming:

Tuition Assistance Programs: What 5 Top Restaurant Businesses Offer

There are many programs out there, each with its own benefits. Other restaurants with TAPs include: Arby’s, Cheesecake Factory, Chili’s Grill & Bar, Churches, Del Taco, Dunkin’, KFC, Marco’s Pizza, Panda Express, Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, Raising Cane’s, Sheetz, Wendy’s, White Castle

Tuition assistance programs are becoming more popular, with non-restaurant businesses joining the fray. Some are: Amazon, Boeing, T-Mobile, Discover, BP, Costco, Kroger, Wal-Mart and Ralphs. Find a more comprehensive list here.

Developing Your Restaurant Tuition Assistance Program

If you are considering putting a TAP in place in your restaurant business, you’ll want to clearly establish who will benefit, how and any terms for repayment. You will need a point person to handle queries about the TAP, and it may be helpful to develop a FAQ for quick reference. The following questions will help you dial in the finer points of your restaurant tuition assistance program and serve as the base for a FAQ:

What Are the Program Objectives?

  • Goals: Define what the company aims to achieve with the TAP (e.g., employee retention, skill enhancement, competitive advantage).
  • Alignment: Ensure the program aligns with the company’s overall strategic goals and human resources policies.

What Is the Eligibility Criteria?

  • Employee Eligibility: Determine which employees will be eligible (e.g., full-time, part-time, length of service).
  • Course Eligibility: Specify what types of courses or degrees are covered (e.g., job-related courses, accredited programs, specific institutions).

What Are the Financial Considerations?

  • Budget: Establish a budget for the TAP, considering the potential number of participants and average tuition costs.
  • Reimbursement Limits: Decide on annual or lifetime maximums for tuition assistance per employee.
  • Cost Sharing: Determine if employees will be required to share in the costs or if the company will cover the full amount.

Who Will Administer the TAP?

  • Application Process: Develop a clear and straightforward application process for employees.
  • Approval Process: Define who will approve the tuition assistance requests (e.g., managers, HR department).
  • Payment Method: Decide if payments will be made directly to educational institutions or reimbursed to employees after course completion.

Compliance and Tax Implications?

  • IRS Regulations: Ensure the program complies with IRS regulations, such as Section 127, which allows tax-free educational assistance up to a certain amount.
  • State Laws: Check for any state-specific laws and regulations regarding tuition assistance.

What Are the Performance and Repayment Conditions?

  • Grade Requirements: Set academic performance standards that employees must meet to qualify for reimbursement (e.g., minimum grade requirements).
  • Service Commitment: Consider requiring employees to stay with the company for a certain period after completing their education to avoid repayment.
  • Repayment Policies: Define repayment obligations if employees leave the company before a specified time after receiving tuition assistance.

How Will We Communicate and Promote this Program?

  • Program Awareness: Communicate the availability and benefits of the TAP to employees through various channels (e.g., intranet, emails, meetings).
  • Guidelines and Resources: Provide detailed guidelines and resources to help employees understand and navigate the program.

How Will We Monitor and Evaluate Participation?

  • Tracking Utilization: Keep track of program participation and monitor budget usage.
  • Evaluating Effectiveness: Regularly evaluate the program’s effectiveness in achieving its objectives and make adjustments as needed.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Gather feedback from participants to identify areas for improvement and ensure the program meets employees’ needs.

Will We Offer Partnerships with Educational Institutions?

  • Preferred Institutions: Consider establishing partnerships with specific colleges or universities to streamline the process and possibly receive discounts.
  • Program Relevance: Work with educational institutions to ensure the courses and programs offered are relevant to the company’s needs.

Restaurant Tuition Assistance Program Resources

If you are ready to start your Tuition Assistance Program, you can find valuable resources from a variety of organizations and platforms. To get you started, we’ve collected several key sources here for you to explore:

  • Familiarize yourself with what types of assistance are commonly offered by restaurant leaders by reading this article on 12 top fast-food chains that offer restaurant tuition assistance.
  • Learn how to structure at TAP with this PDF from Cummings: How-to-Structure-a-Tuition-Assistance-Program.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how to deploy your restaurant tuition assistance program with this Employer Handbook from the Springfield Chamber of Commerce:Employer-Handbook.
  • Learn how to promote your TAP to employees and top talent with this guide from Scholarship America: How to Promote Your TAP.
  • Finally, Consult to Grow® provides various tools and services to help you develop people strategies to grow your team.  We can expertly assess your HR infrastructure, develop custom Employer of Choice strategies, facilitate leadership meetings and retreats, help you design bonus and incentive programs, and design managing partner programs.  Contact us today: Get Started.


Setting up your Restaurant Tuition Assistance Program can significantly benefit your business. You’ll attract top talent by implementing a system that allows for the improvement employee skills and enhances job satisfaction. Your TAP will serve as an investment in your employees’ professional development and overall well-being, demonstrating your company’s commitment to their growth. By offering financial relief, career advancement opportunities, and personal fulfillment, your TAP can boost motivation, loyalty, and productivity among your employees.

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